Turkey you want to impersonate us Westerners Re: Your smoking bans…

As told by Andrew James Murdoch Stephen

Turkey, the most civilized nation in the Arab Middle East….why oh why, you have such land of dignity, politeness, finesse, and class, oh and by the way, did I also mention the best tobacco in the world….you want to impersonate us westerners by imposing smoking bans…..when smoking is as much a part of your culture as it is ours….all our neo-nazis pretending to be health conscientious, politically correct goofs are stamping our rights out left, right and centre…..they’re even trying to pass laws that we cannot smoke in our cars (of course if there are children inside I agree, that’s common sense) and trying to stop us from smoking in our houses and can you believe this…..smoking in open air spaces…..goodness gratious Turkey even as a Muslim I know our culture very well…..as well as I know our religion…..do not try to emulate the western man…..it would be a hollow victory/loss to your own culture….to your own selves to true…p.s. can you send me a couple of boxes filled with cartons of genuine turkish tobacco through the Ottawa embassy on Wurtemburg St……yours, respectfully, and in brotherhood….Siafullah from Ottawa, Canada

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